WWW.PETNIEKUDARBNICA.LV To open up every child's potential to it's maximum.
"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which we can sow the seeds of learning, which will blossom under fluming sun of her imagination. Our aim is not only to make the child understand and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his utmost score." - Maria Montessori -
Learning the right answers will get you through school. Learning how to learn will get you through life! Kindergarten aim is to teach children to think, experiment, ask questions and find the answers. To raise children, who are active, goal oriented and self-disciplined, not children, who are able to memorize something and forget it soon after.
Kindergarten works according to Maria Montessori approach, which is based on the simple observation that child learns best actively working and experimenting. Each child is learning at his own pace and reacts best to different stimulus. Teacher should be creative and ready to adapt to each child's unique personality. Kindergarten not simply providing children with knowledge, also prepare them for life.
Kindergarten accept 2,5 to 6 years old children.
Open from 8:00 till 19:00 every working day.
Price per month – 410,- EUR + catering costs 3,20 EUR/day,excluding municipal co-financing.